Bug Summary

Warning:line 127, column 25
Value stored to 'old_root_fd' is never read

Annotated Source Code

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clang -cc1 -cc1 -triple x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -analyze -disable-free -disable-llvm-verifier -discard-value-names -main-file-name switch-root.c -analyzer-store=region -analyzer-opt-analyze-nested-blocks -analyzer-checker=core -analyzer-checker=apiModeling -analyzer-checker=unix -analyzer-checker=deadcode -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.UncheckedReturn -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.getpw -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.gets -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mktemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mkstemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.vfork -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullPassedToNonnull -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullReturnedFromNonnull -analyzer-output plist -w -setup-static-analyzer -mrelocation-model pic -pic-level 2 -fhalf-no-semantic-interposition -mframe-pointer=all -relaxed-aliasing -menable-no-infs -menable-no-nans -menable-unsafe-fp-math -fno-signed-zeros -mreassociate -freciprocal-math -fdenormal-fp-math=preserve-sign,preserve-sign -ffp-contract=fast -fno-rounding-math -ffast-math -ffinite-math-only -mconstructor-aliases -munwind-tables -target-cpu x86-64 -tune-cpu generic -fno-split-dwarf-inlining -debugger-tuning=gdb -resource-dir /usr/lib64/clang/12.0.0 -include config.h -I src/shared/libsystemd-shared-239.a.p -I src/shared -I ../src/shared -I src/basic -I ../src/basic -I src/systemd -I ../src/systemd -I src/journal -I ../src/journal -I src/journal-remote -I ../src/journal-remote -I src/nspawn -I ../src/nspawn -I src/resolve -I ../src/resolve -I src/timesync -I ../src/timesync -I ../src/time-wait-sync -I src/login -I ../src/login -I src/udev -I ../src/udev -I src/libudev -I ../src/libudev -I src/core -I ../src/core -I ../src/libsystemd/sd-bus -I ../src/libsystemd/sd-device -I ../src/libsystemd/sd-hwdb -I ../src/libsystemd/sd-id128 -I ../src/libsystemd/sd-netlink -I ../src/libsystemd/sd-network -I src/libsystemd-network -I ../src/libsystemd-network -I . -I .. -I /usr/include/blkid -D _FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -internal-isystem /usr/local/include -internal-isystem /usr/lib64/clang/12.0.0/include -internal-externc-isystem /include -internal-externc-isystem /usr/include -Wwrite-strings -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-unused-result -Wno-format-signedness -Wno-error=nonnull -std=gnu99 -fconst-strings -fdebug-compilation-dir /home/mrc0mmand/repos/@redhat-plumbers/systemd-rhel8/build-scan -ferror-limit 19 -fvisibility default -stack-protector 2 -fgnuc-version=4.2.1 -fcolor-diagnostics -analyzer-output=html -faddrsig -o /tmp/scan-build-2021-07-16-221226-1465241-1 -x c ../src/shared/switch-root.c
1/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1+ */
3 Copyright © 2012 Harald Hoyer
6#include <errno(*__errno_location ()).h>
7#include <fcntl.h>
8#include <limits.h>
9#include <stdbool.h>
10#include <stdio.h>
11#include <sys/mount.h>
12#include <sys/stat.h>
13#include <unistd.h>
15#include "base-filesystem.h"
16#include "fd-util.h"
17#include "fs-util.h"
18#include "log.h"
19#include "missing.h"
20#include "mkdir.h"
21#include "mount-util.h"
22#include "path-util.h"
23#include "rm-rf.h"
24#include "stdio-util.h"
25#include "string-util.h"
26#include "strv.h"
27#include "switch-root.h"
28#include "user-util.h"
29#include "util.h"
31int switch_root(const char *new_root,
32 const char *old_root_after, /* path below the new root, where to place the old root after the transition */
33 bool_Bool unmount_old_root,
34 unsigned long mount_flags) { /* MS_MOVE or MS_BIND */
36 _cleanup_free___attribute__((cleanup(freep))) char *resolved_old_root_after = NULL((void*)0);
37 _cleanup_close___attribute__((cleanup(closep))) int old_root_fd = -1;
38 bool_Bool old_root_remove;
39 const char *i;
40 int r;
42 assert(new_root)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(new_root)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("new_root"), "../src/shared/switch-root.c"
, 42, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
43 assert(old_root_after)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(old_root_after)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("old_root_after"), "../src/shared/switch-root.c"
, 43, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
45 if (path_equal(new_root, "/"))
46 return 0;
48 /* Check if we shall remove the contents of the old root */
49 old_root_remove = in_initrd();
50 if (old_root_remove) {
51 old_root_fd = open("/", O_RDONLY00|O_NONBLOCK04000|O_CLOEXEC02000000|O_NOCTTY0400|O_DIRECTORY0200000);
52 if (old_root_fd < 0)
53 return log_error_errno(errno, "Failed to open root directory: %m")({ int _level = ((3)), _e = (((*__errno_location ()))), _realm
= (LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD); (log_get_max_level_realm(_realm) >=
((_level) & 0x07)) ? log_internal_realm(((_realm) <<
10 | (_level)), _e, "../src/shared/switch-root.c", 53, __func__
, "Failed to open root directory: %m") : -abs(_e); })
54 }
56 /* Determine where we shall place the old root after the transition */
57 r = chase_symlinks(old_root_after, new_root, CHASE_PREFIX_ROOT|CHASE_NONEXISTENT, &resolved_old_root_after);
58 if (r < 0)
59 return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to resolve %s/%s: %m", new_root, old_root_after)({ int _level = ((3)), _e = ((r)), _realm = (LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD
); (log_get_max_level_realm(_realm) >= ((_level) & 0x07
)) ? log_internal_realm(((_realm) << 10 | (_level)), _e
, "../src/shared/switch-root.c", 59, __func__, "Failed to resolve %s/%s: %m"
, new_root, old_root_after) : -abs(_e); })
60 if (r == 0) /* Doesn't exist yet. Let's create it */
61 (void) mkdir_p_label(resolved_old_root_after, 0755);
63 /* Work-around for kernel design: the kernel refuses MS_MOVE if any file systems are mounted MS_SHARED. Hence
64 * remount them MS_PRIVATE here as a work-around.
65 *
66 * https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=847418 */
67 if (mount(NULL((void*)0), "/", NULL((void*)0), MS_RECMS_REC|MS_PRIVATEMS_PRIVATE, NULL((void*)0)) < 0)
68 return log_error_errno(errno, "Failed to set \"/\" mount propagation to private: %m")({ int _level = ((3)), _e = (((*__errno_location ()))), _realm
= (LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD); (log_get_max_level_realm(_realm) >=
((_level) & 0x07)) ? log_internal_realm(((_realm) <<
10 | (_level)), _e, "../src/shared/switch-root.c", 68, __func__
, "Failed to set \"/\" mount propagation to private: %m") : -
abs(_e); })
70 FOREACH_STRING(i, "/sys", "/dev", "/run", "/proc")for (char **_l = ({ char **_ll = ((char**) ((const char*[]) {
"/sys", "/dev", "/run", "/proc", ((void*)0) })); i = _ll ? _ll
[0] : ((void*)0); _ll; }); _l && *_l; i = ({ _l ++; _l
[0]; }))
71 _cleanup_free___attribute__((cleanup(freep))) char *chased = NULL((void*)0);
73 r = chase_symlinks(i, new_root, CHASE_PREFIX_ROOT|CHASE_NONEXISTENT, &chased);
74 if (r < 0)
75 return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to resolve %s/%s: %m", new_root, i)({ int _level = ((3)), _e = ((r)), _realm = (LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD
); (log_get_max_level_realm(_realm) >= ((_level) & 0x07
)) ? log_internal_realm(((_realm) << 10 | (_level)), _e
, "../src/shared/switch-root.c", 75, __func__, "Failed to resolve %s/%s: %m"
, new_root, i) : -abs(_e); })
76 if (r > 0) {
77 /* Already exists. Let's see if it is a mount point already. */
78 r = path_is_mount_point(chased, NULL((void*)0), 0);
79 if (r < 0)
80 return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to determine whether %s is a mount point: %m", chased)({ int _level = ((3)), _e = ((r)), _realm = (LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD
); (log_get_max_level_realm(_realm) >= ((_level) & 0x07
)) ? log_internal_realm(((_realm) << 10 | (_level)), _e
, "../src/shared/switch-root.c", 80, __func__, "Failed to determine whether %s is a mount point: %m"
, chased) : -abs(_e); })
81 if (r > 0) /* If it is already mounted, then do nothing */
82 continue;
83 } else
84 /* Doesn't exist yet? */
85 (void) mkdir_p_label(chased, 0755);
87 if (mount(i, chased, NULL((void*)0), mount_flags, NULL((void*)0)) < 0)
88 return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to mount %s to %s: %m", i, chased)({ int _level = ((3)), _e = ((r)), _realm = (LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD
); (log_get_max_level_realm(_realm) >= ((_level) & 0x07
)) ? log_internal_realm(((_realm) << 10 | (_level)), _e
, "../src/shared/switch-root.c", 88, __func__, "Failed to mount %s to %s: %m"
, i, chased) : -abs(_e); })
89 }
91 /* Do not fail if base_filesystem_create() fails. Not all switch roots are like base_filesystem_create() wants
92 * them to look like. They might even boot, if they are RO and don't have the FS layout. Just ignore the error
93 * and switch_root() nevertheless. */
94 (void) base_filesystem_create(new_root, UID_INVALID((uid_t) -1), GID_INVALID((gid_t) -1));
96 if (chdir(new_root) < 0)
97 return log_error_errno(errno, "Failed to change directory to %s: %m", new_root)({ int _level = ((3)), _e = (((*__errno_location ()))), _realm
= (LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD); (log_get_max_level_realm(_realm) >=
((_level) & 0x07)) ? log_internal_realm(((_realm) <<
10 | (_level)), _e, "../src/shared/switch-root.c", 97, __func__
, "Failed to change directory to %s: %m", new_root) : -abs(_e
); })
99 /* We first try a pivot_root() so that we can umount the old root dir. In many cases (i.e. where rootfs is /),
100 * that's not possible however, and hence we simply overmount root */
101 if (pivot_rootmissing_pivot_root(new_root, resolved_old_root_after) >= 0) {
103 /* Immediately get rid of the old root, if detach_oldroot is set.
104 * Since we are running off it we need to do this lazily. */
105 if (unmount_old_root) {
106 r = umount_recursive(old_root_after, MNT_DETACHMNT_DETACH);
107 if (r < 0)
108 log_warning_errno(r, "Failed to unmount old root directory tree, ignoring: %m")({ int _level = ((4)), _e = ((r)), _realm = (LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD
); (log_get_max_level_realm(_realm) >= ((_level) & 0x07
)) ? log_internal_realm(((_realm) << 10 | (_level)), _e
, "../src/shared/switch-root.c", 108, __func__, "Failed to unmount old root directory tree, ignoring: %m"
) : -abs(_e); })
109 }
111 } else if (mount(new_root, "/", NULL((void*)0), MS_MOVEMS_MOVE, NULL((void*)0)) < 0)
112 return log_error_errno(errno, "Failed to move %s to /: %m", new_root)({ int _level = ((3)), _e = (((*__errno_location ()))), _realm
= (LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD); (log_get_max_level_realm(_realm) >=
((_level) & 0x07)) ? log_internal_realm(((_realm) <<
10 | (_level)), _e, "../src/shared/switch-root.c", 112, __func__
, "Failed to move %s to /: %m", new_root) : -abs(_e); })
114 if (chroot(".") < 0)
115 return log_error_errno(errno, "Failed to change root: %m")({ int _level = ((3)), _e = (((*__errno_location ()))), _realm
= (LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD); (log_get_max_level_realm(_realm) >=
((_level) & 0x07)) ? log_internal_realm(((_realm) <<
10 | (_level)), _e, "../src/shared/switch-root.c", 115, __func__
, "Failed to change root: %m") : -abs(_e); })
117 if (chdir("/") < 0)
118 return log_error_errno(errno, "Failed to change directory: %m")({ int _level = ((3)), _e = (((*__errno_location ()))), _realm
= (LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD); (log_get_max_level_realm(_realm) >=
((_level) & 0x07)) ? log_internal_realm(((_realm) <<
10 | (_level)), _e, "../src/shared/switch-root.c", 118, __func__
, "Failed to change directory: %m") : -abs(_e); })
120 if (old_root_fd >= 0) {
121 struct stat rb;
123 if (fstat(old_root_fd, &rb) < 0)
124 log_warning_errno(errno, "Failed to stat old root directory, leaving: %m")({ int _level = ((4)), _e = (((*__errno_location ()))), _realm
= (LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD); (log_get_max_level_realm(_realm) >=
((_level) & 0x07)) ? log_internal_realm(((_realm) <<
10 | (_level)), _e, "../src/shared/switch-root.c", 124, __func__
, "Failed to stat old root directory, leaving: %m") : -abs(_e
); })
125 else {
126 (void) rm_rf_children(old_root_fd, 0, &rb);
127 old_root_fd = -1;
Value stored to 'old_root_fd' is never read
128 }
129 }
131 return 0;