Bug Summary

Warning:line 426, column 17
Potential leak of memory pointed to by 'tmp_backup'

Annotated Source Code

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clang -cc1 -cc1 -triple x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -analyze -disable-free -disable-llvm-verifier -discard-value-names -main-file-name test-fs-util.c -analyzer-store=region -analyzer-opt-analyze-nested-blocks -analyzer-checker=core -analyzer-checker=apiModeling -analyzer-checker=unix -analyzer-checker=deadcode -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.UncheckedReturn -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.getpw -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.gets -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mktemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mkstemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.vfork -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullPassedToNonnull -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullReturnedFromNonnull -analyzer-output plist -w -setup-static-analyzer -mrelocation-model static -mframe-pointer=all -relaxed-aliasing -menable-no-infs -menable-no-nans -menable-unsafe-fp-math -fno-signed-zeros -mreassociate -freciprocal-math -fdenormal-fp-math=preserve-sign,preserve-sign -ffp-contract=fast -fno-rounding-math -ffast-math -ffinite-math-only -mconstructor-aliases -munwind-tables -target-cpu x86-64 -tune-cpu generic -fno-split-dwarf-inlining -debugger-tuning=gdb -resource-dir /usr/lib64/clang/12.0.0 -include config.h -I test-fs-util.p -I . -I .. -I src/basic -I ../src/basic -I src/shared -I ../src/shared -I src/systemd -I ../src/systemd -I src/journal -I ../src/journal -I src/journal-remote -I ../src/journal-remote -I src/nspawn -I ../src/nspawn -I src/resolve -I ../src/resolve -I src/timesync -I ../src/timesync -I ../src/time-wait-sync -I src/login -I ../src/login -I src/udev -I ../src/udev -I src/libudev -I ../src/libudev -I src/core -I ../src/core -I ../src/libsystemd/sd-bus -I ../src/libsystemd/sd-device -I ../src/libsystemd/sd-hwdb -I ../src/libsystemd/sd-id128 -I ../src/libsystemd/sd-netlink -I ../src/libsystemd/sd-network -I src/libsystemd-network -I ../src/libsystemd-network -D _FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -internal-isystem /usr/local/include -internal-isystem /usr/lib64/clang/12.0.0/include -internal-externc-isystem /include -internal-externc-isystem /usr/include -Wwrite-strings -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-unused-result -Wno-format-signedness -Wno-error=nonnull -std=gnu99 -fconst-strings -fdebug-compilation-dir /home/mrc0mmand/repos/@redhat-plumbers/systemd-rhel8/build-scan -ferror-limit 19 -fvisibility hidden -stack-protector 2 -fgnuc-version=4.2.1 -fcolor-diagnostics -analyzer-output=html -faddrsig -o /tmp/scan-build-2021-07-16-221226-1465241-1 -x c ../src/test/test-fs-util.c
1/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1+ */
3#include <unistd.h>
5#include "alloc-util.h"
6#include "fd-util.h"
7#include "fd-util.h"
8#include "fileio.h"
9#include "fs-util.h"
10#include "id128-util.h"
11#include "macro.h"
12#include "mkdir.h"
13#include "path-util.h"
14#include "rm-rf.h"
15#include "stdio-util.h"
16#include "string-util.h"
17#include "strv.h"
18#include "user-util.h"
19#include "util.h"
20#include "virt.h"
22static void test_chase_symlinks(void) {
23 _cleanup_free___attribute__((cleanup(freep))) char *result = NULL((void*)0);
24 char temp[] = "/tmp/test-chase.XXXXXX";
25 const char *top, *p, *pslash, *q, *qslash;
26 int r, pfd;
28 assert_se(mkdtemp(temp))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(mkdtemp(temp))),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("mkdtemp(temp)"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 28, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
30 top = strjoina(temp, "/top")({ const char *_appendees_[] = { temp, "/top" }; char *_d_, *
_p_; size_t _len_ = 0; size_t _i_; for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__
(__builtin_choose_expr( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof
(_appendees_), typeof(&*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_
)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]), ((void)0))) && _appendees_
[_i_]; _i_++) _len_ += strlen(_appendees_[_i_]); _p_ = _d_ = __builtin_alloca
(_len_ + 1); for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr
( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&
*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]
), ((void)0))) && _appendees_[_i_]; _i_++) _p_ = stpcpy
(_p_, _appendees_[_i_]); *_p_ = 0; _d_; })
31 assert_se(mkdir(top, 0700) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(mkdir(top, 0700) >= 0)),0)
)) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("mkdir(top, 0700) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 31, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while
33 p = strjoina(top, "/dot")({ const char *_appendees_[] = { top, "/dot" }; char *_d_, *_p_
; size_t _len_ = 0; size_t _i_; for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__
(__builtin_choose_expr( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof
(_appendees_), typeof(&*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_
)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]), ((void)0))) && _appendees_
[_i_]; _i_++) _len_ += strlen(_appendees_[_i_]); _p_ = _d_ = __builtin_alloca
(_len_ + 1); for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr
( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&
*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]
), ((void)0))) && _appendees_[_i_]; _i_++) _p_ = stpcpy
(_p_, _appendees_[_i_]); *_p_ = 0; _d_; })
34 assert_se(symlink(".", p) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(symlink(".", p) >= 0)),0))
) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("symlink(\".\", p) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 34, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while
36 p = strjoina(top, "/dotdot")({ const char *_appendees_[] = { top, "/dotdot" }; char *_d_,
*_p_; size_t _len_ = 0; size_t _i_; for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__
(__builtin_choose_expr( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof
(_appendees_), typeof(&*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_
)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]), ((void)0))) && _appendees_
[_i_]; _i_++) _len_ += strlen(_appendees_[_i_]); _p_ = _d_ = __builtin_alloca
(_len_ + 1); for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr
( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&
*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]
), ((void)0))) && _appendees_[_i_]; _i_++) _p_ = stpcpy
(_p_, _appendees_[_i_]); *_p_ = 0; _d_; })
37 assert_se(symlink("..", p) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(symlink("..", p) >= 0)),0)
)) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("symlink(\"..\", p) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 37, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while
39 p = strjoina(top, "/dotdota")({ const char *_appendees_[] = { top, "/dotdota" }; char *_d_
, *_p_; size_t _len_ = 0; size_t _i_; for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__
(__builtin_choose_expr( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof
(_appendees_), typeof(&*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_
)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]), ((void)0))) && _appendees_
[_i_]; _i_++) _len_ += strlen(_appendees_[_i_]); _p_ = _d_ = __builtin_alloca
(_len_ + 1); for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr
( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&
*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]
), ((void)0))) && _appendees_[_i_]; _i_++) _p_ = stpcpy
(_p_, _appendees_[_i_]); *_p_ = 0; _d_; })
40 assert_se(symlink("../a", p) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(symlink("../a", p) >= 0)),
0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("symlink(\"../a\", p) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 40, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while
42 p = strjoina(temp, "/a")({ const char *_appendees_[] = { temp, "/a" }; char *_d_, *_p_
; size_t _len_ = 0; size_t _i_; for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__
(__builtin_choose_expr( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof
(_appendees_), typeof(&*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_
)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]), ((void)0))) && _appendees_
[_i_]; _i_++) _len_ += strlen(_appendees_[_i_]); _p_ = _d_ = __builtin_alloca
(_len_ + 1); for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr
( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&
*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]
), ((void)0))) && _appendees_[_i_]; _i_++) _p_ = stpcpy
(_p_, _appendees_[_i_]); *_p_ = 0; _d_; })
43 assert_se(symlink("b", p) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(symlink("b", p) >= 0)),0))
) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("symlink(\"b\", p) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 43, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while
45 p = strjoina(temp, "/b")({ const char *_appendees_[] = { temp, "/b" }; char *_d_, *_p_
; size_t _len_ = 0; size_t _i_; for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__
(__builtin_choose_expr( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof
(_appendees_), typeof(&*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_
)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]), ((void)0))) && _appendees_
[_i_]; _i_++) _len_ += strlen(_appendees_[_i_]); _p_ = _d_ = __builtin_alloca
(_len_ + 1); for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr
( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&
*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]
), ((void)0))) && _appendees_[_i_]; _i_++) _p_ = stpcpy
(_p_, _appendees_[_i_]); *_p_ = 0; _d_; })
46 assert_se(symlink("/usr", p) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(symlink("/usr", p) >= 0)),
0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("symlink(\"/usr\", p) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 46, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while
48 p = strjoina(temp, "/start")({ const char *_appendees_[] = { temp, "/start" }; char *_d_,
*_p_; size_t _len_ = 0; size_t _i_; for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__
(__builtin_choose_expr( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof
(_appendees_), typeof(&*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_
)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]), ((void)0))) && _appendees_
[_i_]; _i_++) _len_ += strlen(_appendees_[_i_]); _p_ = _d_ = __builtin_alloca
(_len_ + 1); for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr
( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&
*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]
), ((void)0))) && _appendees_[_i_]; _i_++) _p_ = stpcpy
(_p_, _appendees_[_i_]); *_p_ = 0; _d_; })
49 assert_se(symlink("top/dot/dotdota", p) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(symlink("top/dot/dotdota", p)
>= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("symlink(\"top/dot/dotdota\", p) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 49, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while
51 /* Paths that use symlinks underneath the "root" */
53 r = chase_symlinks(p, NULL((void*)0), 0, &result);
54 assert_se(r > 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(r > 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("r > 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 54, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
55 assert_se(path_equal(result, "/usr"))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(path_equal(result, "/usr"))),
0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("path_equal(result, \"/usr\")"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 55, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while
56 result = mfree(result);
58 pslash = strjoina(p, "/")({ const char *_appendees_[] = { p, "/" }; char *_d_, *_p_; size_t
_len_ = 0; size_t _i_; for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__ (
__builtin_choose_expr( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(_appendees_
), typeof(&*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_)/sizeof((
_appendees_)[0]), ((void)0))) && _appendees_[_i_]; _i_
++) _len_ += strlen(_appendees_[_i_]); _p_ = _d_ = __builtin_alloca
(_len_ + 1); for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr
( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&
*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]
), ((void)0))) && _appendees_[_i_]; _i_++) _p_ = stpcpy
(_p_, _appendees_[_i_]); *_p_ = 0; _d_; })
59 r = chase_symlinks(pslash, NULL((void*)0), 0, &result);
60 assert_se(r > 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(r > 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("r > 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 60, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
61 assert_se(path_equal(result, "/usr/"))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(path_equal(result, "/usr/")))
,0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("path_equal(result, \"/usr/\")"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 61, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while
62 result = mfree(result);
64 r = chase_symlinks(p, temp, 0, &result);
65 assert_se(r == -ENOENT)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(r == -2)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("r == -ENOENT"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 65, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
67 r = chase_symlinks(pslash, temp, 0, &result);
68 assert_se(r == -ENOENT)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(r == -2)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("r == -ENOENT"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 68, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
70 q = strjoina(temp, "/usr")({ const char *_appendees_[] = { temp, "/usr" }; char *_d_, *
_p_; size_t _len_ = 0; size_t _i_; for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__
(__builtin_choose_expr( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof
(_appendees_), typeof(&*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_
)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]), ((void)0))) && _appendees_
[_i_]; _i_++) _len_ += strlen(_appendees_[_i_]); _p_ = _d_ = __builtin_alloca
(_len_ + 1); for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr
( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&
*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]
), ((void)0))) && _appendees_[_i_]; _i_++) _p_ = stpcpy
(_p_, _appendees_[_i_]); *_p_ = 0; _d_; })
72 r = chase_symlinks(p, temp, CHASE_NONEXISTENT, &result);
73 assert_se(r == 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(r == 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("r == 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c",
73, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
74 assert_se(path_equal(result, q))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(path_equal(result, q))),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("path_equal(result, q)"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 74, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
75 result = mfree(result);
77 qslash = strjoina(q, "/")({ const char *_appendees_[] = { q, "/" }; char *_d_, *_p_; size_t
_len_ = 0; size_t _i_; for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__ (
__builtin_choose_expr( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(_appendees_
), typeof(&*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_)/sizeof((
_appendees_)[0]), ((void)0))) && _appendees_[_i_]; _i_
++) _len_ += strlen(_appendees_[_i_]); _p_ = _d_ = __builtin_alloca
(_len_ + 1); for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr
( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&
*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]
), ((void)0))) && _appendees_[_i_]; _i_++) _p_ = stpcpy
(_p_, _appendees_[_i_]); *_p_ = 0; _d_; })
79 r = chase_symlinks(pslash, temp, CHASE_NONEXISTENT, &result);
80 assert_se(r == 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(r == 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("r == 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c",
80, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
81 assert_se(path_equal(result, qslash))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(path_equal(result, qslash))),
0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("path_equal(result, qslash)"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 81, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while
82 result = mfree(result);
84 assert_se(mkdir(q, 0700) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(mkdir(q, 0700) >= 0)),0)))
log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("mkdir(q, 0700) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 84, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while
86 r = chase_symlinks(p, temp, 0, &result);
87 assert_se(r > 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(r > 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("r > 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 87, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
88 assert_se(path_equal(result, q))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(path_equal(result, q))),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("path_equal(result, q)"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 88, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
89 result = mfree(result);
91 r = chase_symlinks(pslash, temp, 0, &result);
92 assert_se(r > 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(r > 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("r > 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 92, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
93 assert_se(path_equal(result, qslash))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(path_equal(result, qslash))),
0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("path_equal(result, qslash)"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 93, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while
94 result = mfree(result);
96 p = strjoina(temp, "/slash")({ const char *_appendees_[] = { temp, "/slash" }; char *_d_,
*_p_; size_t _len_ = 0; size_t _i_; for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__
(__builtin_choose_expr( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof
(_appendees_), typeof(&*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_
)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]), ((void)0))) && _appendees_
[_i_]; _i_++) _len_ += strlen(_appendees_[_i_]); _p_ = _d_ = __builtin_alloca
(_len_ + 1); for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr
( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&
*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]
), ((void)0))) && _appendees_[_i_]; _i_++) _p_ = stpcpy
(_p_, _appendees_[_i_]); *_p_ = 0; _d_; })
97 assert_se(symlink("/", p) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(symlink("/", p) >= 0)),0))
) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("symlink(\"/\", p) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 97, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while
99 r = chase_symlinks(p, NULL((void*)0), 0, &result);
100 assert_se(r > 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(r > 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("r > 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 100, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
101 assert_se(path_equal(result, "/"))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(path_equal(result, "/"))),0))
) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("path_equal(result, \"/\")"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 101, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
102 result = mfree(result);
104 r = chase_symlinks(p, temp, 0, &result);
105 assert_se(r > 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(r > 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("r > 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 105, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
106 assert_se(path_equal(result, temp))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(path_equal(result, temp))),0)
)) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("path_equal(result, temp)"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 106, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
107 result = mfree(result);
109 /* Paths that would "escape" outside of the "root" */
111 p = strjoina(temp, "/6dots")({ const char *_appendees_[] = { temp, "/6dots" }; char *_d_,
*_p_; size_t _len_ = 0; size_t _i_; for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__
(__builtin_choose_expr( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof
(_appendees_), typeof(&*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_
)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]), ((void)0))) && _appendees_
[_i_]; _i_++) _len_ += strlen(_appendees_[_i_]); _p_ = _d_ = __builtin_alloca
(_len_ + 1); for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr
( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&
*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]
), ((void)0))) && _appendees_[_i_]; _i_++) _p_ = stpcpy
(_p_, _appendees_[_i_]); *_p_ = 0; _d_; })
112 assert_se(symlink("../../..", p) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(symlink("../../..", p) >= 0
)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("symlink(\"../../..\", p) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 112, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
114 r = chase_symlinks(p, temp, 0, &result);
115 assert_se(r > 0 && path_equal(result, temp))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(r > 0 && path_equal
(result, temp))),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD
, ("r > 0 && path_equal(result, temp)"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 115, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
116 result = mfree(result);
118 p = strjoina(temp, "/6dotsusr")({ const char *_appendees_[] = { temp, "/6dotsusr" }; char *_d_
, *_p_; size_t _len_ = 0; size_t _i_; for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__
(__builtin_choose_expr( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof
(_appendees_), typeof(&*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_
)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]), ((void)0))) && _appendees_
[_i_]; _i_++) _len_ += strlen(_appendees_[_i_]); _p_ = _d_ = __builtin_alloca
(_len_ + 1); for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr
( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&
*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]
), ((void)0))) && _appendees_[_i_]; _i_++) _p_ = stpcpy
(_p_, _appendees_[_i_]); *_p_ = 0; _d_; })
119 assert_se(symlink("../../../usr", p) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(symlink("../../../usr", p) >=
0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("symlink(\"../../../usr\", p) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 119, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
121 r = chase_symlinks(p, temp, 0, &result);
122 assert_se(r > 0 && path_equal(result, q))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(r > 0 && path_equal
(result, q))),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD,
("r > 0 && path_equal(result, q)"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 122, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
123 result = mfree(result);
125 p = strjoina(temp, "/top/8dotsusr")({ const char *_appendees_[] = { temp, "/top/8dotsusr" }; char
*_d_, *_p_; size_t _len_ = 0; size_t _i_; for (_i_ = 0; _i_ <
__extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr( !__builtin_types_compatible_p
(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_
)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]), ((void)0))) && _appendees_
[_i_]; _i_++) _len_ += strlen(_appendees_[_i_]); _p_ = _d_ = __builtin_alloca
(_len_ + 1); for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr
( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&
*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]
), ((void)0))) && _appendees_[_i_]; _i_++) _p_ = stpcpy
(_p_, _appendees_[_i_]); *_p_ = 0; _d_; })
126 assert_se(symlink("../../../../usr", p) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(symlink("../../../../usr", p)
>= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("symlink(\"../../../../usr\", p) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 126, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
128 r = chase_symlinks(p, temp, 0, &result);
129 assert_se(r > 0 && path_equal(result, q))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(r > 0 && path_equal
(result, q))),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD,
("r > 0 && path_equal(result, q)"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 129, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
130 result = mfree(result);
132 /* Paths that contain repeated slashes */
134 p = strjoina(temp, "/slashslash")({ const char *_appendees_[] = { temp, "/slashslash" }; char *
_d_, *_p_; size_t _len_ = 0; size_t _i_; for (_i_ = 0; _i_ <
__extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr( !__builtin_types_compatible_p
(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_
)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]), ((void)0))) && _appendees_
[_i_]; _i_++) _len_ += strlen(_appendees_[_i_]); _p_ = _d_ = __builtin_alloca
(_len_ + 1); for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr
( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&
*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]
), ((void)0))) && _appendees_[_i_]; _i_++) _p_ = stpcpy
(_p_, _appendees_[_i_]); *_p_ = 0; _d_; })
135 assert_se(symlink("///usr///", p) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(symlink("///usr///", p) >=
0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("symlink(\"///usr///\", p) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 135, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
137 r = chase_symlinks(p, NULL((void*)0), 0, &result);
138 assert_se(r > 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(r > 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("r > 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 138, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
139 assert_se(path_equal(result, "/usr"))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(path_equal(result, "/usr"))),
0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("path_equal(result, \"/usr\")"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 139, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
140 result = mfree(result);
142 r = chase_symlinks(p, temp, 0, &result);
143 assert_se(r > 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(r > 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("r > 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 143, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
144 assert_se(path_equal(result, q))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(path_equal(result, q))),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("path_equal(result, q)"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 144, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
145 result = mfree(result);
147 /* Paths using . */
149 r = chase_symlinks("/etc/./.././", NULL((void*)0), 0, &result);
150 assert_se(r > 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(r > 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("r > 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 150, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
151 assert_se(path_equal(result, "/"))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(path_equal(result, "/"))),0))
) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("path_equal(result, \"/\")"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 151, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
152 result = mfree(result);
154 r = chase_symlinks("/etc/./.././", "/etc", 0, &result);
155 assert_se(r > 0 && path_equal(result, "/etc"))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(r > 0 && path_equal
(result, "/etc"))),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD
, ("r > 0 && path_equal(result, \"/etc\")"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 155, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
156 result = mfree(result);
158 r = chase_symlinks("/../.././//../../etc", NULL((void*)0), 0, &result);
159 assert_se(r > 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(r > 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("r > 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 159, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
160 assert_se(streq(result, "/etc"))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!((strcmp((result),("/etc")) ==
0))),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("streq(result, \"/etc\")"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 160, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
161 result = mfree(result);
163 r = chase_symlinks("/../.././//../../test-chase.fsldajfl", NULL((void*)0), CHASE_NONEXISTENT, &result);
164 assert_se(r == 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(r == 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("r == 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c",
164, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
165 assert_se(streq(result, "/test-chase.fsldajfl"))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!((strcmp((result),("/test-chase.fsldajfl"
)) == 0))),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("streq(result, \"/test-chase.fsldajfl\")"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 165, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
166 result = mfree(result);
168 r = chase_symlinks("/../.././//../../etc", "/", CHASE_PREFIX_ROOT, &result);
169 assert_se(r > 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(r > 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("r > 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 169, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
170 assert_se(streq(result, "/etc"))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!((strcmp((result),("/etc")) ==
0))),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("streq(result, \"/etc\")"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 170, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
171 result = mfree(result);
173 r = chase_symlinks("/../.././//../../test-chase.fsldajfl", "/", CHASE_PREFIX_ROOT|CHASE_NONEXISTENT, &result);
174 assert_se(r == 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(r == 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("r == 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c",
174, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
175 assert_se(streq(result, "/test-chase.fsldajfl"))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!((strcmp((result),("/test-chase.fsldajfl"
)) == 0))),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("streq(result, \"/test-chase.fsldajfl\")"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 175, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
176 result = mfree(result);
178 r = chase_symlinks("/etc/machine-id/foo", NULL((void*)0), 0, &result);
179 assert_se(r == -ENOTDIR)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(r == -20)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("r == -ENOTDIR"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 179, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
180 result = mfree(result);
182 /* Path that loops back to self */
184 p = strjoina(temp, "/recursive-symlink")({ const char *_appendees_[] = { temp, "/recursive-symlink" }
; char *_d_, *_p_; size_t _len_ = 0; size_t _i_; for (_i_ = 0
; _i_ < __extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr( !__builtin_types_compatible_p
(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_
)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]), ((void)0))) && _appendees_
[_i_]; _i_++) _len_ += strlen(_appendees_[_i_]); _p_ = _d_ = __builtin_alloca
(_len_ + 1); for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr
( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&
*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]
), ((void)0))) && _appendees_[_i_]; _i_++) _p_ = stpcpy
(_p_, _appendees_[_i_]); *_p_ = 0; _d_; })
185 assert_se(symlink("recursive-symlink", p) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(symlink("recursive-symlink", p
) >= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, (
"symlink(\"recursive-symlink\", p) >= 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 185, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
186 r = chase_symlinks(p, NULL((void*)0), 0, &result);
187 assert_se(r == -ELOOP)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(r == -40)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("r == -ELOOP"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 187, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
189 /* Path which doesn't exist */
191 p = strjoina(temp, "/idontexist")({ const char *_appendees_[] = { temp, "/idontexist" }; char *
_d_, *_p_; size_t _len_ = 0; size_t _i_; for (_i_ = 0; _i_ <
__extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr( !__builtin_types_compatible_p
(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_
)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]), ((void)0))) && _appendees_
[_i_]; _i_++) _len_ += strlen(_appendees_[_i_]); _p_ = _d_ = __builtin_alloca
(_len_ + 1); for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr
( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&
*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]
), ((void)0))) && _appendees_[_i_]; _i_++) _p_ = stpcpy
(_p_, _appendees_[_i_]); *_p_ = 0; _d_; })
192 r = chase_symlinks(p, NULL((void*)0), 0, &result);
193 assert_se(r == -ENOENT)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(r == -2)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("r == -ENOENT"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 193, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
195 r = chase_symlinks(p, NULL((void*)0), CHASE_NONEXISTENT, &result);
196 assert_se(r == 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(r == 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("r == 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c",
196, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
197 assert_se(path_equal(result, p))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(path_equal(result, p))),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("path_equal(result, p)"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 197, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
198 result = mfree(result);
200 p = strjoina(temp, "/idontexist/meneither")({ const char *_appendees_[] = { temp, "/idontexist/meneither"
}; char *_d_, *_p_; size_t _len_ = 0; size_t _i_; for (_i_ =
0; _i_ < __extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr( !__builtin_types_compatible_p
(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_
)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]), ((void)0))) && _appendees_
[_i_]; _i_++) _len_ += strlen(_appendees_[_i_]); _p_ = _d_ = __builtin_alloca
(_len_ + 1); for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr
( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&
*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]
), ((void)0))) && _appendees_[_i_]; _i_++) _p_ = stpcpy
(_p_, _appendees_[_i_]); *_p_ = 0; _d_; })
201 r = chase_symlinks(p, NULL((void*)0), 0, &result);
202 assert_se(r == -ENOENT)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(r == -2)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("r == -ENOENT"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 202, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
204 r = chase_symlinks(p, NULL((void*)0), CHASE_NONEXISTENT, &result);
205 assert_se(r == 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(r == 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("r == 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c",
205, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
206 assert_se(path_equal(result, p))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(path_equal(result, p))),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("path_equal(result, p)"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 206, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
207 result = mfree(result);
209 /* Path which doesn't exist, but contains weird stuff */
211 p = strjoina(temp, "/idontexist/..")({ const char *_appendees_[] = { temp, "/idontexist/.." }; char
*_d_, *_p_; size_t _len_ = 0; size_t _i_; for (_i_ = 0; _i_ <
__extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr( !__builtin_types_compatible_p
(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_
)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]), ((void)0))) && _appendees_
[_i_]; _i_++) _len_ += strlen(_appendees_[_i_]); _p_ = _d_ = __builtin_alloca
(_len_ + 1); for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr
( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&
*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]
), ((void)0))) && _appendees_[_i_]; _i_++) _p_ = stpcpy
(_p_, _appendees_[_i_]); *_p_ = 0; _d_; })
212 r = chase_symlinks(p, NULL((void*)0), 0, &result);
213 assert_se(r == -ENOENT)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(r == -2)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("r == -ENOENT"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 213, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
215 r = chase_symlinks(p, NULL((void*)0), CHASE_NONEXISTENT, &result);
216 assert_se(r == -ENOENT)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(r == -2)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("r == -ENOENT"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 216, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
218 p = strjoina(temp, "/target")({ const char *_appendees_[] = { temp, "/target" }; char *_d_
, *_p_; size_t _len_ = 0; size_t _i_; for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__
(__builtin_choose_expr( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof
(_appendees_), typeof(&*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_
)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]), ((void)0))) && _appendees_
[_i_]; _i_++) _len_ += strlen(_appendees_[_i_]); _p_ = _d_ = __builtin_alloca
(_len_ + 1); for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr
( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&
*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]
), ((void)0))) && _appendees_[_i_]; _i_++) _p_ = stpcpy
(_p_, _appendees_[_i_]); *_p_ = 0; _d_; })
219 q = strjoina(temp, "/top")({ const char *_appendees_[] = { temp, "/top" }; char *_d_, *
_p_; size_t _len_ = 0; size_t _i_; for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__
(__builtin_choose_expr( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof
(_appendees_), typeof(&*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_
)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]), ((void)0))) && _appendees_
[_i_]; _i_++) _len_ += strlen(_appendees_[_i_]); _p_ = _d_ = __builtin_alloca
(_len_ + 1); for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr
( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&
*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]
), ((void)0))) && _appendees_[_i_]; _i_++) _p_ = stpcpy
(_p_, _appendees_[_i_]); *_p_ = 0; _d_; })
220 assert_se(symlink(q, p) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(symlink(q, p) >= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("symlink(q, p) >= 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 220, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
221 p = strjoina(temp, "/target/idontexist")({ const char *_appendees_[] = { temp, "/target/idontexist" }
; char *_d_, *_p_; size_t _len_ = 0; size_t _i_; for (_i_ = 0
; _i_ < __extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr( !__builtin_types_compatible_p
(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_
)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]), ((void)0))) && _appendees_
[_i_]; _i_++) _len_ += strlen(_appendees_[_i_]); _p_ = _d_ = __builtin_alloca
(_len_ + 1); for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr
( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&
*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]
), ((void)0))) && _appendees_[_i_]; _i_++) _p_ = stpcpy
(_p_, _appendees_[_i_]); *_p_ = 0; _d_; })
222 r = chase_symlinks(p, NULL((void*)0), 0, &result);
223 assert_se(r == -ENOENT)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(r == -2)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("r == -ENOENT"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 223, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
225 if (geteuid() == 0) {
226 p = strjoina(temp, "/priv1")({ const char *_appendees_[] = { temp, "/priv1" }; char *_d_,
*_p_; size_t _len_ = 0; size_t _i_; for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__
(__builtin_choose_expr( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof
(_appendees_), typeof(&*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_
)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]), ((void)0))) && _appendees_
[_i_]; _i_++) _len_ += strlen(_appendees_[_i_]); _p_ = _d_ = __builtin_alloca
(_len_ + 1); for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr
( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&
*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]
), ((void)0))) && _appendees_[_i_]; _i_++) _p_ = stpcpy
(_p_, _appendees_[_i_]); *_p_ = 0; _d_; })
227 assert_se(mkdir(p, 0755) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(mkdir(p, 0755) >= 0)),0)))
log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("mkdir(p, 0755) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 227, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
229 q = strjoina(p, "/priv2")({ const char *_appendees_[] = { p, "/priv2" }; char *_d_, *_p_
; size_t _len_ = 0; size_t _i_; for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__
(__builtin_choose_expr( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof
(_appendees_), typeof(&*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_
)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]), ((void)0))) && _appendees_
[_i_]; _i_++) _len_ += strlen(_appendees_[_i_]); _p_ = _d_ = __builtin_alloca
(_len_ + 1); for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr
( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&
*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]
), ((void)0))) && _appendees_[_i_]; _i_++) _p_ = stpcpy
(_p_, _appendees_[_i_]); *_p_ = 0; _d_; })
230 assert_se(mkdir(q, 0755) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(mkdir(q, 0755) >= 0)),0)))
log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("mkdir(q, 0755) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 230, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
232 assert_se(chase_symlinks(q, NULL, CHASE_SAFE, NULL) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(chase_symlinks(q, ((void*)0),
CHASE_SAFE, ((void*)0)) >= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("chase_symlinks(q, NULL, CHASE_SAFE, NULL) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 232, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
234 assert_se(chown(q, UID_NOBODY, GID_NOBODY) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(chown(q, ((uid_t) 65534U), ((
gid_t) 65534U)) >= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD
, ("chown(q, UID_NOBODY, GID_NOBODY) >= 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 234, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
235 assert_se(chase_symlinks(q, NULL, CHASE_SAFE, NULL) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(chase_symlinks(q, ((void*)0),
CHASE_SAFE, ((void*)0)) >= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("chase_symlinks(q, NULL, CHASE_SAFE, NULL) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 235, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
237 assert_se(chown(p, UID_NOBODY, GID_NOBODY) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(chown(p, ((uid_t) 65534U), ((
gid_t) 65534U)) >= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD
, ("chown(p, UID_NOBODY, GID_NOBODY) >= 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 237, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
238 assert_se(chase_symlinks(q, NULL, CHASE_SAFE, NULL) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(chase_symlinks(q, ((void*)0),
CHASE_SAFE, ((void*)0)) >= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("chase_symlinks(q, NULL, CHASE_SAFE, NULL) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 238, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
240 assert_se(chown(q, 0, 0) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(chown(q, 0, 0) >= 0)),0)))
log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("chown(q, 0, 0) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 240, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
241 assert_se(chase_symlinks(q, NULL, CHASE_SAFE, NULL) == -EPERM)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(chase_symlinks(q, ((void*)0),
CHASE_SAFE, ((void*)0)) == -1)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("chase_symlinks(q, NULL, CHASE_SAFE, NULL) == -EPERM"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 241, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
243 assert_se(rmdir(q) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(rmdir(q) >= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("rmdir(q) >= 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 243, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
244 assert_se(symlink("/etc/passwd", q) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(symlink("/etc/passwd", q) >=
0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("symlink(\"/etc/passwd\", q) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 244, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
245 assert_se(chase_symlinks(q, NULL, CHASE_SAFE, NULL) == -EPERM)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(chase_symlinks(q, ((void*)0),
CHASE_SAFE, ((void*)0)) == -1)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("chase_symlinks(q, NULL, CHASE_SAFE, NULL) == -EPERM"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 245, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
247 assert_se(chown(p, 0, 0) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(chown(p, 0, 0) >= 0)),0)))
log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("chown(p, 0, 0) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 247, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
248 assert_se(chase_symlinks(q, NULL, CHASE_SAFE, NULL) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(chase_symlinks(q, ((void*)0),
CHASE_SAFE, ((void*)0)) >= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("chase_symlinks(q, NULL, CHASE_SAFE, NULL) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 248, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
249 }
251 p = strjoina(temp, "/machine-id-test")({ const char *_appendees_[] = { temp, "/machine-id-test" }; char
*_d_, *_p_; size_t _len_ = 0; size_t _i_; for (_i_ = 0; _i_ <
__extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr( !__builtin_types_compatible_p
(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_
)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]), ((void)0))) && _appendees_
[_i_]; _i_++) _len_ += strlen(_appendees_[_i_]); _p_ = _d_ = __builtin_alloca
(_len_ + 1); for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr
( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&
*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]
), ((void)0))) && _appendees_[_i_]; _i_++) _p_ = stpcpy
(_p_, _appendees_[_i_]); *_p_ = 0; _d_; })
252 assert_se(symlink("/usr/../etc/./machine-id", p) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(symlink("/usr/../etc/./machine-id"
, p) >= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD
, ("symlink(\"/usr/../etc/./machine-id\", p) >= 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 252, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
254 pfd = chase_symlinks(p, NULL((void*)0), CHASE_OPEN, NULL((void*)0));
255 if (pfd != -ENOENT2) {
256 _cleanup_close___attribute__((cleanup(closep))) int fd = -1;
257 sd_id128_t a, b;
259 assert_se(pfd >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(pfd >= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("pfd >= 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 259, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
261 fd = fd_reopen(pfd, O_RDONLY00|O_CLOEXEC02000000);
262 assert_se(fd >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(fd >= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("fd >= 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 262, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
263 safe_close(pfd);
265 assert_se(id128_read_fd(fd, ID128_PLAIN, &a) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(id128_read_fd(fd, ID128_PLAIN
, &a) >= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD
, ("id128_read_fd(fd, ID128_PLAIN, &a) >= 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 265, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
266 assert_se(sd_id128_get_machine(&b) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(sd_id128_get_machine(&b) >=
0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("sd_id128_get_machine(&b) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 266, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
267 assert_se(sd_id128_equal(a, b))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(sd_id128_equal(a, b))),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("sd_id128_equal(a, b)"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 267, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
268 }
270 /* Test CHASE_ONE */
272 p = strjoina(temp, "/start")({ const char *_appendees_[] = { temp, "/start" }; char *_d_,
*_p_; size_t _len_ = 0; size_t _i_; for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__
(__builtin_choose_expr( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof
(_appendees_), typeof(&*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_
)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]), ((void)0))) && _appendees_
[_i_]; _i_++) _len_ += strlen(_appendees_[_i_]); _p_ = _d_ = __builtin_alloca
(_len_ + 1); for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr
( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&
*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]
), ((void)0))) && _appendees_[_i_]; _i_++) _p_ = stpcpy
(_p_, _appendees_[_i_]); *_p_ = 0; _d_; })
273 r = chase_symlinks(p, NULL((void*)0), CHASE_STEP, &result);
274 assert_se(r == 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(r == 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("r == 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c",
274, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
275 p = strjoina(temp, "/top/dot/dotdota")({ const char *_appendees_[] = { temp, "/top/dot/dotdota" }; char
*_d_, *_p_; size_t _len_ = 0; size_t _i_; for (_i_ = 0; _i_ <
__extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr( !__builtin_types_compatible_p
(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_
)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]), ((void)0))) && _appendees_
[_i_]; _i_++) _len_ += strlen(_appendees_[_i_]); _p_ = _d_ = __builtin_alloca
(_len_ + 1); for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr
( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&
*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]
), ((void)0))) && _appendees_[_i_]; _i_++) _p_ = stpcpy
(_p_, _appendees_[_i_]); *_p_ = 0; _d_; })
276 assert_se(streq(p, result))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!((strcmp((p),(result)) == 0)))
,0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("streq(p, result)"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 276, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
277 result = mfree(result);
279 r = chase_symlinks(p, NULL((void*)0), CHASE_STEP, &result);
280 assert_se(r == 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(r == 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("r == 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c",
280, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
281 p = strjoina(temp, "/top/./dotdota")({ const char *_appendees_[] = { temp, "/top/./dotdota" }; char
*_d_, *_p_; size_t _len_ = 0; size_t _i_; for (_i_ = 0; _i_ <
__extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr( !__builtin_types_compatible_p
(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_
)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]), ((void)0))) && _appendees_
[_i_]; _i_++) _len_ += strlen(_appendees_[_i_]); _p_ = _d_ = __builtin_alloca
(_len_ + 1); for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr
( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&
*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]
), ((void)0))) && _appendees_[_i_]; _i_++) _p_ = stpcpy
(_p_, _appendees_[_i_]); *_p_ = 0; _d_; })
282 assert_se(streq(p, result))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!((strcmp((p),(result)) == 0)))
,0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("streq(p, result)"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 282, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
283 result = mfree(result);
285 r = chase_symlinks(p, NULL((void*)0), CHASE_STEP, &result);
286 assert_se(r == 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(r == 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("r == 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c",
286, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
287 p = strjoina(temp, "/top/../a")({ const char *_appendees_[] = { temp, "/top/../a" }; char *_d_
, *_p_; size_t _len_ = 0; size_t _i_; for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__
(__builtin_choose_expr( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof
(_appendees_), typeof(&*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_
)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]), ((void)0))) && _appendees_
[_i_]; _i_++) _len_ += strlen(_appendees_[_i_]); _p_ = _d_ = __builtin_alloca
(_len_ + 1); for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr
( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&
*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]
), ((void)0))) && _appendees_[_i_]; _i_++) _p_ = stpcpy
(_p_, _appendees_[_i_]); *_p_ = 0; _d_; })
288 assert_se(streq(p, result))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!((strcmp((p),(result)) == 0)))
,0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("streq(p, result)"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 288, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
289 result = mfree(result);
291 r = chase_symlinks(p, NULL((void*)0), CHASE_STEP, &result);
292 assert_se(r == 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(r == 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("r == 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c",
292, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
293 p = strjoina(temp, "/a")({ const char *_appendees_[] = { temp, "/a" }; char *_d_, *_p_
; size_t _len_ = 0; size_t _i_; for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__
(__builtin_choose_expr( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof
(_appendees_), typeof(&*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_
)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]), ((void)0))) && _appendees_
[_i_]; _i_++) _len_ += strlen(_appendees_[_i_]); _p_ = _d_ = __builtin_alloca
(_len_ + 1); for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr
( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&
*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]
), ((void)0))) && _appendees_[_i_]; _i_++) _p_ = stpcpy
(_p_, _appendees_[_i_]); *_p_ = 0; _d_; })
294 assert_se(streq(p, result))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!((strcmp((p),(result)) == 0)))
,0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("streq(p, result)"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 294, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
295 result = mfree(result);
297 r = chase_symlinks(p, NULL((void*)0), CHASE_STEP, &result);
298 assert_se(r == 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(r == 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("r == 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c",
298, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
299 p = strjoina(temp, "/b")({ const char *_appendees_[] = { temp, "/b" }; char *_d_, *_p_
; size_t _len_ = 0; size_t _i_; for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__
(__builtin_choose_expr( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof
(_appendees_), typeof(&*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_
)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]), ((void)0))) && _appendees_
[_i_]; _i_++) _len_ += strlen(_appendees_[_i_]); _p_ = _d_ = __builtin_alloca
(_len_ + 1); for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr
( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&
*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]
), ((void)0))) && _appendees_[_i_]; _i_++) _p_ = stpcpy
(_p_, _appendees_[_i_]); *_p_ = 0; _d_; })
300 assert_se(streq(p, result))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!((strcmp((p),(result)) == 0)))
,0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("streq(p, result)"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 300, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
301 result = mfree(result);
303 r = chase_symlinks(p, NULL((void*)0), CHASE_STEP, &result);
304 assert_se(r == 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(r == 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("r == 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c",
304, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
305 assert_se(streq("/usr", result))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!((strcmp(("/usr"),(result)) ==
0))),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("streq(\"/usr\", result)"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 305, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
306 result = mfree(result);
308 r = chase_symlinks("/usr", NULL((void*)0), CHASE_STEP, &result);
309 assert_se(r > 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(r > 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("r > 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 309, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
310 assert_se(streq("/usr", result))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!((strcmp(("/usr"),(result)) ==
0))),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("streq(\"/usr\", result)"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 310, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
311 result = mfree(result);
313 assert_se(rm_rf(temp, REMOVE_ROOT|REMOVE_PHYSICAL) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(rm_rf(temp, REMOVE_ROOT|REMOVE_PHYSICAL
) >= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, (
"rm_rf(temp, REMOVE_ROOT|REMOVE_PHYSICAL) >= 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 313, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
316static void test_unlink_noerrno(void) {
317 char name[] = "/tmp/test-close_nointr.XXXXXX";
318 int fd;
320 fd = mkostemp_safe(name);
321 assert_se(fd >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(fd >= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("fd >= 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 321, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
322 assert_se(close_nointr(fd) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(close_nointr(fd) >= 0)),0)
)) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("close_nointr(fd) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 322, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
324 {
325 PROTECT_ERRNO__attribute__((cleanup(_reset_errno_))) __attribute__((unused
)) int _saved_errno_ = (*__errno_location ())
326 errno(*__errno_location ()) = 42;
327 assert_se(unlink_noerrno(name) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(unlink_noerrno(name) >= 0)
),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("unlink_noerrno(name) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 327, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
328 assert_se(errno == 42)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!((*__errno_location ()) == 42)
),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("errno == 42"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 328, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
329 assert_se(unlink_noerrno(name) < 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(unlink_noerrno(name) < 0))
,0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("unlink_noerrno(name) < 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 329, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
330 assert_se(errno == 42)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!((*__errno_location ()) == 42)
),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("errno == 42"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 330, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
331 }
334static void test_readlink_and_make_absolute(void) {
335 char tempdir[] = "/tmp/test-readlink_and_make_absolute";
336 char name[] = "/tmp/test-readlink_and_make_absolute/original";
337 char name2[] = "test-readlink_and_make_absolute/original";
338 char name_alias[] = "/tmp/test-readlink_and_make_absolute-alias";
339 char *r = NULL((void*)0);
340 _cleanup_free___attribute__((cleanup(freep))) char *pwd = NULL((void*)0);
342 assert_se(mkdir_safe(tempdir, 0755, getuid(), getgid(), MKDIR_WARN_MODE) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(mkdir_safe(tempdir, 0755, getuid
(), getgid(), MKDIR_WARN_MODE) >= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("mkdir_safe(tempdir, 0755, getuid(), getgid(), MKDIR_WARN_MODE) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 342, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
343 assert_se(touch(name) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(touch(name) >= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("touch(name) >= 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 343, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
345 assert_se(symlink(name, name_alias) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(symlink(name, name_alias) >=
0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("symlink(name, name_alias) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 345, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
346 assert_se(readlink_and_make_absolute(name_alias, &r) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(readlink_and_make_absolute(name_alias
, &r) >= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD
, ("readlink_and_make_absolute(name_alias, &r) >= 0"),
"../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 346, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while
347 assert_se(streq(r, name))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!((strcmp((r),(name)) == 0))),0
))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("streq(r, name)"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 347, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
348 free(r);
349 assert_se(unlink(name_alias) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(unlink(name_alias) >= 0)),
0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("unlink(name_alias) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 349, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
351 assert_se(safe_getcwd(&pwd) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(safe_getcwd(&pwd) >= 0
)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("safe_getcwd(&pwd) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 351, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
353 assert_se(chdir(tempdir) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(chdir(tempdir) >= 0)),0)))
log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("chdir(tempdir) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 353, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
354 assert_se(symlink(name2, name_alias) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(symlink(name2, name_alias) >=
0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("symlink(name2, name_alias) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 354, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
355 assert_se(readlink_and_make_absolute(name_alias, &r) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(readlink_and_make_absolute(name_alias
, &r) >= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD
, ("readlink_and_make_absolute(name_alias, &r) >= 0"),
"../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 355, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while
356 assert_se(streq(r, name))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!((strcmp((r),(name)) == 0))),0
))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("streq(r, name)"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 356, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
357 free(r);
358 assert_se(unlink(name_alias) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(unlink(name_alias) >= 0)),
0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("unlink(name_alias) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 358, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
360 assert_se(chdir(pwd) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(chdir(pwd) >= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("chdir(pwd) >= 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 360, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
362 assert_se(rm_rf(tempdir, REMOVE_ROOT|REMOVE_PHYSICAL) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(rm_rf(tempdir, REMOVE_ROOT|REMOVE_PHYSICAL
) >= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, (
"rm_rf(tempdir, REMOVE_ROOT|REMOVE_PHYSICAL) >= 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 362, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
365static void test_get_files_in_directory(void) {
366 _cleanup_strv_free___attribute__((cleanup(strv_freep))) char **l = NULL((void*)0), **t = NULL((void*)0);
368 assert_se(get_files_in_directory("/tmp", &l) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(get_files_in_directory("/tmp"
, &l) >= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD
, ("get_files_in_directory(\"/tmp\", &l) >= 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 368, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
369 assert_se(get_files_in_directory(".", &t) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(get_files_in_directory(".", &
t) >= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, (
"get_files_in_directory(\".\", &t) >= 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 369, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
370 assert_se(get_files_in_directory(".", NULL) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(get_files_in_directory(".", (
(void*)0)) >= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD
, ("get_files_in_directory(\".\", NULL) >= 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 370, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
373static void test_var_tmp(void) {
374 _cleanup_free___attribute__((cleanup(freep))) char *tmpdir_backup = NULL((void*)0), *temp_backup = NULL((void*)0), *tmp_backup = NULL((void*)0);
375 const char *tmp_dir = NULL((void*)0), *t;
377 t = getenv("TMPDIR");
378 if (t) {
Assuming 't' is null
Taking false branch
379 tmpdir_backup = strdup(t);
380 assert_se(tmpdir_backup)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(tmpdir_backup)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("tmpdir_backup"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 380, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
381 }
383 t = getenv("TEMP");
384 if (t) {
Assuming 't' is null
Taking false branch
385 temp_backup = strdup(t);
386 assert_se(temp_backup)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(temp_backup)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("temp_backup"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 386, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
387 }
389 t = getenv("TMP");
390 if (t) {
Assuming 't' is non-null
Taking true branch
391 tmp_backup = strdup(t);
Memory is allocated
392 assert_se(tmp_backup)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(tmp_backup)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("tmp_backup"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 392, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
Assuming 'tmp_backup' is non-null
Taking false branch
Loop condition is false. Exiting loop
393 }
395 assert_se(unsetenv("TMPDIR") >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(unsetenv("TMPDIR") >= 0)),
0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("unsetenv(\"TMPDIR\") >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 395, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
Assuming the condition is true
Taking false branch
Loop condition is false. Exiting loop
396 assert_se(unsetenv("TEMP") >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(unsetenv("TEMP") >= 0)),0)
)) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("unsetenv(\"TEMP\") >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 396, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
Assuming the condition is true
Taking false branch
Loop condition is false. Exiting loop
397 assert_se(unsetenv("TMP") >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(unsetenv("TMP") >= 0)),0))
) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("unsetenv(\"TMP\") >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 397, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
Assuming the condition is true
Taking false branch
Loop condition is false. Exiting loop
399 assert_se(var_tmp_dir(&tmp_dir) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(var_tmp_dir(&tmp_dir) >=
0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("var_tmp_dir(&tmp_dir) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 399, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
Assuming the condition is true
Taking false branch
Loop condition is false. Exiting loop
400 assert_se(streq(tmp_dir, "/var/tmp"))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!((strcmp((tmp_dir),("/var/tmp"
)) == 0))),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("streq(tmp_dir, \"/var/tmp\")"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 400, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
Taking false branch
Loop condition is false. Exiting loop
402 assert_se(setenv("TMPDIR", "/tmp", true) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(setenv("TMPDIR", "/tmp", 1) >=
0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("setenv(\"TMPDIR\", \"/tmp\", true) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 402, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
Assuming the condition is true
Taking false branch
Loop condition is false. Exiting loop
403 assert_se(streq(getenv("TMPDIR"), "/tmp"))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!((strcmp((getenv("TMPDIR")),("/tmp"
)) == 0))),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("streq(getenv(\"TMPDIR\"), \"/tmp\")"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 403, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
Taking false branch
Loop condition is false. Exiting loop
405 assert_se(var_tmp_dir(&tmp_dir) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(var_tmp_dir(&tmp_dir) >=
0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("var_tmp_dir(&tmp_dir) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 405, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
Assuming the condition is true
Taking false branch
Loop condition is false. Exiting loop
406 assert_se(streq(tmp_dir, "/tmp"))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!((strcmp((tmp_dir),("/tmp")) ==
0))),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("streq(tmp_dir, \"/tmp\")"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 406, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
Taking false branch
Loop condition is false. Exiting loop
408 assert_se(setenv("TMPDIR", "/88_does_not_exist_88", true) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(setenv("TMPDIR", "/88_does_not_exist_88"
, 1) >= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD
, ("setenv(\"TMPDIR\", \"/88_does_not_exist_88\", true) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 408, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
Assuming the condition is true
Taking false branch
Loop condition is false. Exiting loop
409 assert_se(streq(getenv("TMPDIR"), "/88_does_not_exist_88"))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!((strcmp((getenv("TMPDIR")),("/88_does_not_exist_88"
)) == 0))),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("streq(getenv(\"TMPDIR\"), \"/88_does_not_exist_88\")"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 409, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
Taking false branch
Loop condition is false. Exiting loop
411 assert_se(var_tmp_dir(&tmp_dir) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(var_tmp_dir(&tmp_dir) >=
0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("var_tmp_dir(&tmp_dir) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 411, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
Assuming the condition is true
Taking false branch
Loop condition is false. Exiting loop
412 assert_se(streq(tmp_dir, "/var/tmp"))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!((strcmp((tmp_dir),("/var/tmp"
)) == 0))),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("streq(tmp_dir, \"/var/tmp\")"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 412, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
Taking false branch
Loop condition is false. Exiting loop
414 if (tmpdir_backup
'tmpdir_backup' is null
) {
Taking false branch
415 assert_se(setenv("TMPDIR", tmpdir_backup, true) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(setenv("TMPDIR", tmpdir_backup
, 1) >= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD
, ("setenv(\"TMPDIR\", tmpdir_backup, true) >= 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 415, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
416 assert_se(streq(getenv("TMPDIR"), tmpdir_backup))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!((strcmp((getenv("TMPDIR")),(tmpdir_backup
)) == 0))),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("streq(getenv(\"TMPDIR\"), tmpdir_backup)"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 416, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
417 }
419 if (temp_backup
'temp_backup' is null
) {
Taking false branch
420 assert_se(setenv("TEMP", temp_backup, true) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(setenv("TEMP", temp_backup, 1
) >= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, (
"setenv(\"TEMP\", temp_backup, true) >= 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 420, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
421 assert_se(streq(getenv("TEMP"), temp_backup))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!((strcmp((getenv("TEMP")),(temp_backup
)) == 0))),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("streq(getenv(\"TEMP\"), temp_backup)"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 421, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
422 }
424 if (tmp_backup
'tmp_backup' is non-null
) {
Taking true branch
425 assert_se(setenv("TMP", tmp_backup, true) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(setenv("TMP", tmp_backup, 1) >=
0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("setenv(\"TMP\", tmp_backup, true) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 425, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
Assuming the condition is true
Taking false branch
Loop condition is false. Exiting loop
426 assert_se(streq(getenv("TMP"), tmp_backup))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!((strcmp((getenv("TMP")),(tmp_backup
)) == 0))),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("streq(getenv(\"TMP\"), tmp_backup)"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 426, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
Potential leak of memory pointed to by 'tmp_backup'
427 }
430static void test_dot_or_dot_dot(void) {
431 assert_se(!dot_or_dot_dot(NULL))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(!dot_or_dot_dot(((void*)0))))
,0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("!dot_or_dot_dot(NULL)"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 431, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
432 assert_se(!dot_or_dot_dot(""))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(!dot_or_dot_dot(""))),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("!dot_or_dot_dot(\"\")"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 432, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
433 assert_se(!dot_or_dot_dot("xxx"))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(!dot_or_dot_dot("xxx"))),0)))
log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("!dot_or_dot_dot(\"xxx\")"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 433, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
434 assert_se(dot_or_dot_dot("."))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(dot_or_dot_dot("."))),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("dot_or_dot_dot(\".\")"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 434, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
435 assert_se(dot_or_dot_dot(".."))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(dot_or_dot_dot(".."))),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("dot_or_dot_dot(\"..\")"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 435, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
436 assert_se(!dot_or_dot_dot(".foo"))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(!dot_or_dot_dot(".foo"))),0))
) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("!dot_or_dot_dot(\".foo\")"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 436, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
437 assert_se(!dot_or_dot_dot("..foo"))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(!dot_or_dot_dot("..foo"))),0)
)) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("!dot_or_dot_dot(\"..foo\")"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 437, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
440static void test_access_fd(void) {
441 _cleanup_(rmdir_and_freep)__attribute__((cleanup(rmdir_and_freep))) char *p = NULL((void*)0);
442 _cleanup_close___attribute__((cleanup(closep))) int fd = -1;
444 assert_se(mkdtemp_malloc("/tmp/access-fd.XXXXXX", &p) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(mkdtemp_malloc("/tmp/access-fd.XXXXXX"
, &p) >= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD
, ("mkdtemp_malloc(\"/tmp/access-fd.XXXXXX\", &p) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 444, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
446 fd = open(p, O_RDONLY00|O_DIRECTORY0200000|O_CLOEXEC02000000);
447 assert_se(fd >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(fd >= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("fd >= 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 447, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
449 assert_se(access_fd(fd, R_OK) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(access_fd(fd, 4) >= 0)),0)
)) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("access_fd(fd, R_OK) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 449, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
450 assert_se(access_fd(fd, F_OK) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(access_fd(fd, 0) >= 0)),0)
)) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("access_fd(fd, F_OK) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 450, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
451 assert_se(access_fd(fd, W_OK) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(access_fd(fd, 2) >= 0)),0)
)) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("access_fd(fd, W_OK) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 451, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
453 assert_se(fchmod(fd, 0000) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(fchmod(fd, 0000) >= 0)),0)
)) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("fchmod(fd, 0000) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 453, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
455 assert_se(access_fd(fd, F_OK) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(access_fd(fd, 0) >= 0)),0)
)) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("access_fd(fd, F_OK) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 455, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
457 if (geteuid() == 0) {
458 assert_se(access_fd(fd, R_OK) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(access_fd(fd, 4) >= 0)),0)
)) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("access_fd(fd, R_OK) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 458, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
459 assert_se(access_fd(fd, W_OK) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(access_fd(fd, 2) >= 0)),0)
)) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("access_fd(fd, W_OK) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 459, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
460 } else {
461 assert_se(access_fd(fd, R_OK) == -EACCES)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(access_fd(fd, 4) == -13)),0))
) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("access_fd(fd, R_OK) == -EACCES"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 461, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
462 assert_se(access_fd(fd, W_OK) == -EACCES)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(access_fd(fd, 2) == -13)),0))
) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("access_fd(fd, W_OK) == -EACCES"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 462, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
463 }
466static void test_touch_file(void) {
467 uid_t test_uid, test_gid;
468 _cleanup_(rm_rf_physical_and_freep)__attribute__((cleanup(rm_rf_physical_and_freep))) char *p = NULL((void*)0);
469 struct stat st;
470 const char *a;
471 usec_t test_mtime;
472 int r;
474 test_uid = geteuid() == 0 ? 65534 : getuid();
475 test_gid = geteuid() == 0 ? 65534 : getgid();
477 test_mtime = usec_sub_unsigned(now(CLOCK_REALTIME0), USEC_PER_WEEK((usec_t) (7ULL*((usec_t) (24ULL*((usec_t) (60ULL*((usec_t) (
60ULL*((usec_t) 1000000ULL)))))))))
479 assert_se(mkdtemp_malloc("/dev/shm/touch-file-XXXXXX", &p) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(mkdtemp_malloc("/dev/shm/touch-file-XXXXXX"
, &p) >= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD
, ("mkdtemp_malloc(\"/dev/shm/touch-file-XXXXXX\", &p) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 479, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
481 a = strjoina(p, "/regular")({ const char *_appendees_[] = { p, "/regular" }; char *_d_, *
_p_; size_t _len_ = 0; size_t _i_; for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__
(__builtin_choose_expr( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof
(_appendees_), typeof(&*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_
)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]), ((void)0))) && _appendees_
[_i_]; _i_++) _len_ += strlen(_appendees_[_i_]); _p_ = _d_ = __builtin_alloca
(_len_ + 1); for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr
( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&
*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]
), ((void)0))) && _appendees_[_i_]; _i_++) _p_ = stpcpy
(_p_, _appendees_[_i_]); *_p_ = 0; _d_; })
482 assert_se(touch_file(a, false, test_mtime, test_uid, test_gid, 0640) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(touch_file(a, 0, test_mtime, test_uid
, test_gid, 0640) >= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD
, ("touch_file(a, false, test_mtime, test_uid, test_gid, 0640) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 482, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
483 assert_se(lstat(a, &st) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(lstat(a, &st) >= 0)),0
))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("lstat(a, &st) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 483, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
484 assert_se(st.st_uid == test_uid)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(st.st_uid == test_uid)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("st.st_uid == test_uid"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 484, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
485 assert_se(st.st_gid == test_gid)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(st.st_gid == test_gid)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("st.st_gid == test_gid"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 485, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
486 assert_se(S_ISREG(st.st_mode))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(((((st.st_mode)) & 0170000
) == (0100000)))),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD
, ("S_ISREG(st.st_mode)"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 486,
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
487 assert_se((st.st_mode & 0777) == 0640)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!((st.st_mode & 0777) == 0640
)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("(st.st_mode & 0777) == 0640"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 487, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
488 assert_se(timespec_load(&st.st_mtim) == test_mtime)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(timespec_load(&st.st_mtim
) == test_mtime)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD
, ("timespec_load(&st.st_mtim) == test_mtime"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 488, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
490 a = strjoina(p, "/dir")({ const char *_appendees_[] = { p, "/dir" }; char *_d_, *_p_
; size_t _len_ = 0; size_t _i_; for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__
(__builtin_choose_expr( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof
(_appendees_), typeof(&*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_
)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]), ((void)0))) && _appendees_
[_i_]; _i_++) _len_ += strlen(_appendees_[_i_]); _p_ = _d_ = __builtin_alloca
(_len_ + 1); for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr
( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&
*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]
), ((void)0))) && _appendees_[_i_]; _i_++) _p_ = stpcpy
(_p_, _appendees_[_i_]); *_p_ = 0; _d_; })
491 assert_se(mkdir(a, 0775) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(mkdir(a, 0775) >= 0)),0)))
log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("mkdir(a, 0775) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 491, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
492 assert_se(touch_file(a, false, test_mtime, test_uid, test_gid, 0640) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(touch_file(a, 0, test_mtime, test_uid
, test_gid, 0640) >= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD
, ("touch_file(a, false, test_mtime, test_uid, test_gid, 0640) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 492, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
493 assert_se(lstat(a, &st) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(lstat(a, &st) >= 0)),0
))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("lstat(a, &st) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 493, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
494 assert_se(st.st_uid == test_uid)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(st.st_uid == test_uid)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("st.st_uid == test_uid"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 494, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
495 assert_se(st.st_gid == test_gid)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(st.st_gid == test_gid)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("st.st_gid == test_gid"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 495, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
496 assert_se(S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(((((st.st_mode)) & 0170000
) == (0040000)))),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD
, ("S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 496,
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
497 assert_se((st.st_mode & 0777) == 0640)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!((st.st_mode & 0777) == 0640
)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("(st.st_mode & 0777) == 0640"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 497, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
498 assert_se(timespec_load(&st.st_mtim) == test_mtime)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(timespec_load(&st.st_mtim
) == test_mtime)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD
, ("timespec_load(&st.st_mtim) == test_mtime"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 498, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
500 a = strjoina(p, "/fifo")({ const char *_appendees_[] = { p, "/fifo" }; char *_d_, *_p_
; size_t _len_ = 0; size_t _i_; for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__
(__builtin_choose_expr( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof
(_appendees_), typeof(&*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_
)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]), ((void)0))) && _appendees_
[_i_]; _i_++) _len_ += strlen(_appendees_[_i_]); _p_ = _d_ = __builtin_alloca
(_len_ + 1); for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr
( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&
*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]
), ((void)0))) && _appendees_[_i_]; _i_++) _p_ = stpcpy
(_p_, _appendees_[_i_]); *_p_ = 0; _d_; })
501 assert_se(mkfifo(a, 0775) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(mkfifo(a, 0775) >= 0)),0))
) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("mkfifo(a, 0775) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 501, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
502 assert_se(touch_file(a, false, test_mtime, test_uid, test_gid, 0640) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(touch_file(a, 0, test_mtime, test_uid
, test_gid, 0640) >= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD
, ("touch_file(a, false, test_mtime, test_uid, test_gid, 0640) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 502, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
503 assert_se(lstat(a, &st) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(lstat(a, &st) >= 0)),0
))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("lstat(a, &st) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 503, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
504 assert_se(st.st_uid == test_uid)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(st.st_uid == test_uid)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("st.st_uid == test_uid"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 504, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
505 assert_se(st.st_gid == test_gid)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(st.st_gid == test_gid)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("st.st_gid == test_gid"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 505, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
506 assert_se(S_ISFIFO(st.st_mode))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(((((st.st_mode)) & 0170000
) == (0010000)))),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD
, ("S_ISFIFO(st.st_mode)"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 506
, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
507 assert_se((st.st_mode & 0777) == 0640)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!((st.st_mode & 0777) == 0640
)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("(st.st_mode & 0777) == 0640"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 507, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
508 assert_se(timespec_load(&st.st_mtim) == test_mtime)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(timespec_load(&st.st_mtim
) == test_mtime)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD
, ("timespec_load(&st.st_mtim) == test_mtime"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 508, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
510 a = strjoina(p, "/sock")({ const char *_appendees_[] = { p, "/sock" }; char *_d_, *_p_
; size_t _len_ = 0; size_t _i_; for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__
(__builtin_choose_expr( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof
(_appendees_), typeof(&*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_
)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]), ((void)0))) && _appendees_
[_i_]; _i_++) _len_ += strlen(_appendees_[_i_]); _p_ = _d_ = __builtin_alloca
(_len_ + 1); for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr
( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&
*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]
), ((void)0))) && _appendees_[_i_]; _i_++) _p_ = stpcpy
(_p_, _appendees_[_i_]); *_p_ = 0; _d_; })
511 assert_se(mknod(a, 0775 | S_IFSOCK, 0) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(mknod(a, 0775 | 0140000, 0) >=
0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("mknod(a, 0775 | S_IFSOCK, 0) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 511, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
512 assert_se(touch_file(a, false, test_mtime, test_uid, test_gid, 0640) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(touch_file(a, 0, test_mtime, test_uid
, test_gid, 0640) >= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD
, ("touch_file(a, false, test_mtime, test_uid, test_gid, 0640) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 512, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
513 assert_se(lstat(a, &st) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(lstat(a, &st) >= 0)),0
))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("lstat(a, &st) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 513, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
514 assert_se(st.st_uid == test_uid)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(st.st_uid == test_uid)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("st.st_uid == test_uid"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 514, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
515 assert_se(st.st_gid == test_gid)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(st.st_gid == test_gid)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("st.st_gid == test_gid"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 515, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
516 assert_se(S_ISSOCK(st.st_mode))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(((((st.st_mode)) & 0170000
) == (0140000)))),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD
, ("S_ISSOCK(st.st_mode)"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 516
, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
517 assert_se((st.st_mode & 0777) == 0640)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!((st.st_mode & 0777) == 0640
)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("(st.st_mode & 0777) == 0640"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 517, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
518 assert_se(timespec_load(&st.st_mtim) == test_mtime)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(timespec_load(&st.st_mtim
) == test_mtime)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD
, ("timespec_load(&st.st_mtim) == test_mtime"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 518, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
520 if (geteuid() == 0) {
521 a = strjoina(p, "/cdev")({ const char *_appendees_[] = { p, "/cdev" }; char *_d_, *_p_
; size_t _len_ = 0; size_t _i_; for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__
(__builtin_choose_expr( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof
(_appendees_), typeof(&*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_
)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]), ((void)0))) && _appendees_
[_i_]; _i_++) _len_ += strlen(_appendees_[_i_]); _p_ = _d_ = __builtin_alloca
(_len_ + 1); for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr
( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&
*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]
), ((void)0))) && _appendees_[_i_]; _i_++) _p_ = stpcpy
(_p_, _appendees_[_i_]); *_p_ = 0; _d_; })
522 r = mknod(a, 0775 | S_IFCHR0020000, makedev(0, 0)gnu_dev_makedev (0, 0));
523 if (r < 0 && errno(*__errno_location ()) == EPERM1 && detect_container() > 0) {
524 log_notice("Running in unprivileged container? Skipping remaining tests in %s", __func__)({ int _level = (((5))), _e = ((0)), _realm = (LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD
); (log_get_max_level_realm(_realm) >= ((_level) & 0x07
)) ? log_internal_realm(((_realm) << 10 | (_level)), _e
, "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 524, __func__, "Running in unprivileged container? Skipping remaining tests in %s"
, __func__) : -abs(_e); })
525 return;
526 }
527 assert_se(r >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(r >= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("r >= 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 527, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
528 assert_se(touch_file(a, false, test_mtime, test_uid, test_gid, 0640) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(touch_file(a, 0, test_mtime, test_uid
, test_gid, 0640) >= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD
, ("touch_file(a, false, test_mtime, test_uid, test_gid, 0640) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 528, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
529 assert_se(lstat(a, &st) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(lstat(a, &st) >= 0)),0
))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("lstat(a, &st) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 529, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
530 assert_se(st.st_uid == test_uid)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(st.st_uid == test_uid)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("st.st_uid == test_uid"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 530, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
531 assert_se(st.st_gid == test_gid)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(st.st_gid == test_gid)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("st.st_gid == test_gid"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 531, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
532 assert_se(S_ISCHR(st.st_mode))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(((((st.st_mode)) & 0170000
) == (0020000)))),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD
, ("S_ISCHR(st.st_mode)"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 532,
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
533 assert_se((st.st_mode & 0777) == 0640)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!((st.st_mode & 0777) == 0640
)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("(st.st_mode & 0777) == 0640"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 533, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
534 assert_se(timespec_load(&st.st_mtim) == test_mtime)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(timespec_load(&st.st_mtim
) == test_mtime)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD
, ("timespec_load(&st.st_mtim) == test_mtime"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 534, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
536 a = strjoina(p, "/bdev")({ const char *_appendees_[] = { p, "/bdev" }; char *_d_, *_p_
; size_t _len_ = 0; size_t _i_; for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__
(__builtin_choose_expr( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof
(_appendees_), typeof(&*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_
)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]), ((void)0))) && _appendees_
[_i_]; _i_++) _len_ += strlen(_appendees_[_i_]); _p_ = _d_ = __builtin_alloca
(_len_ + 1); for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr
( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&
*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]
), ((void)0))) && _appendees_[_i_]; _i_++) _p_ = stpcpy
(_p_, _appendees_[_i_]); *_p_ = 0; _d_; })
537 assert_se(mknod(a, 0775 | S_IFBLK, makedev(0, 0)) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(mknod(a, 0775 | 0060000, gnu_dev_makedev
(0, 0)) >= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD
, ("mknod(a, 0775 | S_IFBLK, makedev(0, 0)) >= 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 537, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
538 assert_se(touch_file(a, false, test_mtime, test_uid, test_gid, 0640) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(touch_file(a, 0, test_mtime, test_uid
, test_gid, 0640) >= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD
, ("touch_file(a, false, test_mtime, test_uid, test_gid, 0640) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 538, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
539 assert_se(lstat(a, &st) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(lstat(a, &st) >= 0)),0
))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("lstat(a, &st) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 539, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
540 assert_se(st.st_uid == test_uid)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(st.st_uid == test_uid)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("st.st_uid == test_uid"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 540, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
541 assert_se(st.st_gid == test_gid)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(st.st_gid == test_gid)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("st.st_gid == test_gid"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 541, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
542 assert_se(S_ISBLK(st.st_mode))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(((((st.st_mode)) & 0170000
) == (0060000)))),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD
, ("S_ISBLK(st.st_mode)"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 542,
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
543 assert_se((st.st_mode & 0777) == 0640)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!((st.st_mode & 0777) == 0640
)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("(st.st_mode & 0777) == 0640"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 543, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
544 assert_se(timespec_load(&st.st_mtim) == test_mtime)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(timespec_load(&st.st_mtim
) == test_mtime)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD
, ("timespec_load(&st.st_mtim) == test_mtime"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 544, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
545 }
547 a = strjoina(p, "/lnk")({ const char *_appendees_[] = { p, "/lnk" }; char *_d_, *_p_
; size_t _len_ = 0; size_t _i_; for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__
(__builtin_choose_expr( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof
(_appendees_), typeof(&*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_
)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]), ((void)0))) && _appendees_
[_i_]; _i_++) _len_ += strlen(_appendees_[_i_]); _p_ = _d_ = __builtin_alloca
(_len_ + 1); for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < __extension__ (__builtin_choose_expr
( !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(_appendees_), typeof(&
*(_appendees_))), sizeof(_appendees_)/sizeof((_appendees_)[0]
), ((void)0))) && _appendees_[_i_]; _i_++) _p_ = stpcpy
(_p_, _appendees_[_i_]); *_p_ = 0; _d_; })
548 assert_se(symlink("target", a) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(symlink("target", a) >= 0)
),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("symlink(\"target\", a) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 548, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
549 assert_se(touch_file(a, false, test_mtime, test_uid, test_gid, 0640) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(touch_file(a, 0, test_mtime, test_uid
, test_gid, 0640) >= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD
, ("touch_file(a, false, test_mtime, test_uid, test_gid, 0640) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 549, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
550 assert_se(lstat(a, &st) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(lstat(a, &st) >= 0)),0
))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("lstat(a, &st) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 550, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
551 assert_se(st.st_uid == test_uid)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(st.st_uid == test_uid)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("st.st_uid == test_uid"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 551, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
552 assert_se(st.st_gid == test_gid)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(st.st_gid == test_gid)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("st.st_gid == test_gid"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 552, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
553 assert_se(S_ISLNK(st.st_mode))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(((((st.st_mode)) & 0170000
) == (0120000)))),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD
, ("S_ISLNK(st.st_mode)"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 553,
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
554 assert_se((st.st_mode & 0777) == 0640)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!((st.st_mode & 0777) == 0640
)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("(st.st_mode & 0777) == 0640"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 554, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
555 assert_se(timespec_load(&st.st_mtim) == test_mtime)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(timespec_load(&st.st_mtim
) == test_mtime)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD
, ("timespec_load(&st.st_mtim) == test_mtime"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 555, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
558static void test_unlinkat_deallocate(void) {
559 _cleanup_free___attribute__((cleanup(freep))) char *p = NULL((void*)0);
560 _cleanup_close___attribute__((cleanup(closep))) int fd = -1;
561 struct stat st;
563 assert_se(tempfn_random_child(NULL, "unlink-deallocation", &p) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(tempfn_random_child(((void*)0
), "unlink-deallocation", &p) >= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("tempfn_random_child(NULL, \"unlink-deallocation\", &p) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 563, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
565 fd = open(p, O_WRONLY01|O_CLOEXEC02000000|O_CREAT0100|O_EXCL0200, 0600);
566 assert_se(fd >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(fd >= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("fd >= 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 566, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
568 assert_se(write(fd, "hallo\n", 6) == 6)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(write(fd, "hallo\n", 6) == 6)
),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("write(fd, \"hallo\\n\", 6) == 6"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 568, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
570 assert_se(fstat(fd, &st) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(fstat(fd, &st) >= 0)),
0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("fstat(fd, &st) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 570, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
571 assert_se(st.st_size == 6)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(st.st_size == 6)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("st.st_size == 6"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 571, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
572 assert_se(st.st_blocks > 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(st.st_blocks > 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("st.st_blocks > 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 572, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
573 assert_se(st.st_nlink == 1)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(st.st_nlink == 1)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("st.st_nlink == 1"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 573, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
575 assert_se(unlinkat_deallocate(AT_FDCWD, p, 0) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(unlinkat_deallocate(-100, p, 0
) >= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, (
"unlinkat_deallocate(AT_FDCWD, p, 0) >= 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 575, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
577 assert_se(fstat(fd, &st) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(fstat(fd, &st) >= 0)),
0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("fstat(fd, &st) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 577, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
578 assert_se(IN_SET(st.st_size, 0, 6))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(({ _Bool _found = 0; static __attribute__
((unused)) char _static_assert__macros_need_to_be_extended[20
- sizeof((int[]){0, 6})/sizeof(int)]; switch(st.st_size) { case
0: case 6: _found = 1; break; default: break; } _found; })))
,0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("IN_SET(st.st_size, 0, 6)"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 578, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
; /* depending on whether hole punching worked the size will be 6 (it worked) or 0 (we had to resort to truncation) */
579 assert_se(st.st_blocks == 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(st.st_blocks == 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("st.st_blocks == 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 579, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
580 assert_se(st.st_nlink == 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(st.st_nlink == 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("st.st_nlink == 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 580, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
583static void test_fsync_directory_of_file(void) {
584 _cleanup_close___attribute__((cleanup(closep))) int fd = -1;
586 fd = open_tmpfile_unlinkable(NULL((void*)0), O_RDWR02);
587 assert_se(fd >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(fd >= 0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm
(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("fd >= 0"), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c"
, 587, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
589 assert_se(fsync_directory_of_file(fd) >= 0)do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(fsync_directory_of_file(fd) >=
0)),0))) log_assert_failed_realm(LOG_REALM_SYSTEMD, ("fsync_directory_of_file(fd) >= 0"
), "../src/test/test-fs-util.c", 589, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
while (0)
592int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
593 test_unlink_noerrno();
594 test_get_files_in_directory();
595 test_readlink_and_make_absolute();
596 test_var_tmp();
Calling 'test_var_tmp'
597 test_chase_symlinks();
598 test_dot_or_dot_dot();
599 test_access_fd();
600 test_touch_file();
601 test_unlinkat_deallocate();
602 test_fsync_directory_of_file();
604 return 0;